May 19, 2014

May news

Sorry sorry for the late post. We ran into unfortunate circumstances and a work schedule for one member, but now we're easing back into making songs. Also schedule is looking busy for most of us, so our rate of work is predicted to be slower.
Shorter news segment this month.

  1. Our first EP - 99% completed! See ↓ for details.
  2. La Partida; Calma - Riido's song for the MAIKA contest! Azureflux of Vocallective and offered us a spot on his MAIKA-exclusive CD! We will have the finished mp3 very soon, and with it, the release of our EP.
  3. Trailer video - It seems god-forbid June is maybe this video's release date...
  1. Artbook - Ideas are slowly starting to crank for this project. Remo is planning for a late-year release around December or so, but it's a temporary placeholder. If you have any particular artworks you'd like to see regarding LIGHT&BITTER, please email Remo.